Select any options to complete the form, no payments will be made and options selected will have no effect on the actual service provided by the Wizard is simply designed to assist the general public in calculating fees for traditional mail in applications.Ī correctly formatted application should have a BAR CODE on the top left corner, and DS-11 printed on the bottom left of the application. NOTE: The application Wizard will ask you to select fees, shipping and processing options. The last page of the application is a Print summary page, please scroll to the bottom left corner of this page and CLICK CREATE FORM you will then be able to print your application. TIP: This Online application has replaced “Hand Written” applications YOU ARE NOT APPLYING ONLINE, you are only completing the questions by typing them onto the application. Failure to use this online application will cause rejection to your application. The US Passport Agency only allows us to submit completed online applications for all expediting cases.

The second DS-11 is to be placed inside your Fed Ex package to Sam’s Passport Inc. Give one DS-11 to the acceptance agent to be placed inside the sealed envelope. Do not sign the DS-11 until you are instructed to do so by the acceptance agent.

Print 2 copies of the completed DS-11 form.